Facebook Live: 9 Ways to Manage your Fear & Anxiety & Become a More Peaceful Parent

>> Are you excited about Christmas with your family, but a bit worried it will be just another day filled with tantrums, yelling, threatening & bickering? 

>> Would you love to feel at choice with different ways to take care of yourself when you get angry at your kids (besides reacting like a volcano)? 

>> Interested in learning how to move from correction (when feeling anxious & fearful about your child's misbehavior) to connected & confident? 

>> Wanting to learn more about how to realistically stay calm & avoid letting imperfection ruin your Christmas? 

Friday, Dec 21st - 10am (pacific) 

What: Facebook Live Chat with Wendy 

When: Friday Dec. 21st @ 10am (pacific)

Where: Fresh Start Family Facebook Page (I'll provide link)

Why: Because you WANT to have a joyous Christmas with yor kids! 

Want to know a bit more about Fresh Start Family? Watch this ... 

This discussion is for you if you're in a season where you ...

  • get triggered by our littles (cause you're human) or angry when they won't listen 
  • get fearful that your relatives or friends will judge you on how you're parenting
  • get anxiety that you'll be THAT FAMILY with the kids melting down at church or on a playdate
  • don't know what to do when the day seems ruined by misbehavior & it's only 9am!
  • get scared you won't be able to be kind to our own children on Christmas day cause you're just SO deeply irritated, annoyed & affected by your kids' behaviors.
  • are deeply desiring a more joyful, lighthearted, connected daily walk in your parenting journey & holiday season. 


What: Facebook Live Chat with Wendy 

When: Friday Dec. 21st @ 10am (pacific)

Where: Fresh Start Family Facebook Page (I'll provide link)

Why: Because you WANT to have a joyous Christmas with yor kids! 

Not sure if you need to join the chat? I've got a story for you...

Nearly a decade ago, I experienced a time when Christmas was a season of overwhelm for me, filled with feelings of anxiety, anger & fear.  

I wanted to desperately to be happy, to not be so angry at my daughter, to feel joyous & grateful for all of the wonder & gifts around me, but I was scared that this was always going to be the way things were & that I'd never get out of the parenting pit I was stuck in.  

That was almost a decade ago and when you look at pictures from that time, you'd never really know.  

I was in the best shape of my life, I had a hot husband who was the most supportive guy on earth & said "YES!" when I asked "Babe, what do you say if I leave my corporate career & salary to stay home with the kids?" and I had a beautiful home a mile from the ocean in sunny, San Diego, CA.  

Plus, I had ALWAYS been good with kids, so staying home full-time with my own two was going to be a breeze right?  


As the Christmas season approached, I remember thinking, "There's so much light & love all around me, but in my own heart I feel dark ... irritated, annoyed, negative, angry, hopeless ... what is wrong with me?"  

As the years passed and this incredible curriculum of Positive Parenting continued to bless our family life tremendously, I realized it was just a giant time of transition for me.  

I think parenthood is a giant transition time for most of us.  

A time when we go from thinking "We kind of know it all" to being "Completely humbled by the reality of how hard it is to raise little human souls with true integrity and joy".  

The good news is that this transition is GOOD for us. Challenging our morale character to it's core is GOOD for us. Stretching us to grow in humility, patience, compassion, grace and TRUE influencing skills is GOOD for us, GOOD for the world.  

But IT. IS. HARD.  

Perhaps you're in this hard dark season right now, where many of your days include feeling: 

>> EXHAUSTED -from babies who still need you in the night, to toddlers who just can't stay in their bed all night to kids who seem to melt down every night at bedtime -from begging, pleading, correcting, scolding, or repeating things to your kids ... all. day. long. every. day.  

 >> OVERWHELMED -from trying to do it all, fix it all, teach it all, keep it all in order -from ALL the activities, needs, challenges, and misbehaviors that demand your attention.  

>> ANGRY - that you have a child that pushes back on everything - that your kids can't sit still for a meal - that every morning is like groundhogs day when bickering & arguing & tears are abundant when trying to get out the door to preschool, work or daycare.  

>> FEARFUL - that your kids may grow up to be total brats if you don't figure out how to get them to change, soon. - that maybe you're not cut out for this, that maybe you just aren't good at parenting - that you're doing it all wrong but you have no idea what to do  

>> ANXIETY RIDDEN - that others are judging you when you're kids misbehave at the grocery store or any public space - that holiday meals & gatherings are going to be embarrassing and awful because the kids will probably tantrum & be wild at some point  

>> IMPATIENT - when you want so hard to just smile at their silly, sloth like behavior when you ask them to put their shoes on, but instead you snap & consistently yell "HURRY UP" or "GET YOUR SHOES ON NOW OR ELSE.....". - when a challenge arises and you want to slow down and work it out with your kiddo, but instead just habitually jump to reacting, scolding &&threatening because it's just taking TOO long  

>> NEGATIVE - when you seem to easily see ALL the things that are wrong with your child, but realize you don't spend as much time pointing out all the good things - when you talk to your friends and use words like sassy, disobedient, wild, naughty and insane to decribe your kid who seems to be always butting heads with you. - when your spouse gives you a hug & asks you after a long day, "How was your day babe?" you laugh and say "Well, I survived, but it was pretty awful."  

>> CRITICAL - when you realize you're really good at pointing out every flaw your kids have; the ways they wash their hands wrong, the way they talk to their siblings, the way they ask you for milk, the way they make their bed, or talk to their grandparents. ​- of your spouse when they do things a bit different than you & it just seems likes your way is better. - of yourself & half of the things you do each day with your kids ... as you lay your head on your pillow at night, you see all the ways you could be better.  

If you said yes to any of these, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I am here to help ... 

... AND the good news is that learning positive parenting curricilum CAN help you get to a better place in your parenting walk. 

Grab a cup of coffee and let's chat on 12/21, see you then! 

Join me, it's super casual ... you in?